Berg Go2

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Showing products 1 to 4 of 4
Berg Go2 Carry Strap
Berg Go2 Carry Strap TO-BG-16-00-01

This convenient carry strap comes in vary handy if you wish to carry or store your Go2.

Berg Go2 Ergonomic Go-Kart
Berg Go2 Ergonomic Go-Kart TO-BG-24-50-01-00

The smallest of the Berg range, suitable for ages 10 - 30 months. A versatile and award winning design which is available in 3 colours.

Berg Go2 Push Handle Xs
Berg Go2 Push Handle Xs TO-BG-16-50-00-00

Increase the versatility of your Go2 even more with this handy accessory..

Berg Go2 Safety Flag
Berg Go2 Safety Flag TO-BG-16-00-00

This high visibility safety flag is a great addition to your childs Go2.
